greendrinks PhiladelphiaCall for Presenters
As part of our new reboot for community participationat our local chapter of greendrinks,we would like to invite all of you who have green/ecological/sustainable lifestyle or business information/ideas to present to consider giving a casual presentation
(i.e. discussion, slides, film, etc.).Our schedule is extremely flexible as to booking:
we meet once a month currently on First Wednesdays
and would like to begin including a bit more 'green content'
to our informal get-togethers over drinks.Although we are all totally aware of the seriousness of environmental challenges facing us currently, we would
like to support and encourage the ideas green visionary
Paul Hawken offers that the approach of hope and positive
solutions proposals going a lot farther than gloom + doom.please send us an email with your presentation idea proposal
and let us know when you would like to schedule an informal
presentation to the Philadelphia greendrinks community.
we would love to hear from you!best regards,greendrinks philadelphia
INVITATION TO PARTICIPATEHello Green Community Philadelphia from [greendrinks] + o2 Philadelphia!That's right - due to popular demand and tight meeting schedules,we merged these two like-minded groups recently! We'd love yourhelp in re-activatingour local sustainable living, design, and infonetworkby focusing on spreading the word that we are 're-booting'our local meetingschedule, info access point (a hybrid blog), andlocal businesssupport activities.We are planning the OCTOBER 4th meeting to be aWORKING MEETING (with a local beer or non-alcohol refreshmentin hand!) to rebuild our local chapters of these two great internationalgrassroots green culture monthly networking meetings.Date: Wed October 4th, 2006Location: fergie's pub upstairs1st wednesday's 6-8pm or so1214 sansom streetphiladelphiahttp://www.fergies.comTime: 6-8pm-ishnote: greendrinks is a casual CASH BAR protocol: no dues,no entry, just your bar tab + a positive attitude!www.greendrinks.orgwww.greendrinks-o2philadelphia.blogspot.comwww.o2.orgwww.o2-usa.org 2 years of some really great meetings discussinga lot of sides of what is 'green' in, around, and connectedto Philadelphia over some drinks, we at [greendrinks]Philadelphiaare ready + interested in are-launch/re-boot to make things better.We started this local meeting to find an evening when all types ofgreen thinkers and doers could come out and meet over some drinks.The greendrinks phenomenon is a world-wide success; we want tomake it a local success!Relatedly, we simultaneously started a 'green design' meeting called:o2 Philadelphia. This is a local chapter of the o2 Global SustainableDesign Network (this meeting was an hour before greendrinks startedandfocused specifically on green design by artists, architects, designers,multimedia people etc....)We met a lot of you and made some wonderful new friends. Some cameback every month (thanks so much!) and some of you we saw once andnever again...(this always left us wondering what we could have done tokeep you coming back...). Our goal was and is to create a form of ancasual,very social, green 'salon' (as UTNE reader calls them) in the spiritof so many previous artist + intellectual get-togethers, networking, etc....the only difference is ours focuses on green living, topics, opportunities,etc. over some drinks.Here is some of the thinking:FormatWe discussed many times whether we should change things up a bit:i.e. add 'green content' (lectures, films, demos, etc.) to the evening or justleave it a casual agenda to just socialize. Most folks said just leave it asocialevening. We appreciate this directness (yet we also know thatmany folks really DO want something a bit different each month to keepyou all coming back!)Relatedly, we wondered if coming out for a beer once a month is really'enough of a draw' to get folks out and talking + sharing greenissues/ideas/events as many of the local blogs/mail lists also do...and many of you do daily...Personal SchedulesAnd...of course...we totally understand the whole balance of time,home life, work,other events, etc. - no question about this! This is whywe tried to get the idea of 'One Green Nite a Month©' idea/slogan goingto give you a target night...Question:Is there another night/time that folks would prefer over'1st Weds of the Month'? (we have heard several times of other groupswecould merge with on other we want to do this?Shall we give it a shot? See next topic)Attendance Critical MassOur attendance varied monthly-sometimes wildly-and we continuallyworked on how best to make this local chapter of greendrinks work whilenot quitting our day jobs to do this casual networking wasalways better when we had more folks there. Also, we recently closed theearlier o2 meeting time and just merged it with our greendrinks meeting.The more the better we figured. There are several local groups weappreciate and would like to join with perhaps. Also, we are SERIOUSLYevaluating if there are local green/sustainable collaborations that we canforge who can offer a bit more PR/administrative/infomation management/etc.collaboration with: ideas are welcome. We would welcome coordinating withother like-minded groups to have a monthly place/time to meet and discussideas instead of just emailing each other!Question:how can we get a more people to come out and share their greenideas, discussion, etc. once a moth on a regular basis?What groups could merge?Well, we hit our 2 year milestone happily and would like to offersome of the new ideas we are working on to get you all to comeout and get social with your green energy and ideas. Most of theseideas are from discussions at greendrinks and ideas offered randomlyin emails etc. Although it has been a great beginning, we certainly alsolearned of a few issues that made the first years a bit bumpy for some ofyou all to participate as well. With this email we invite your input + helpin making this next chapter of our short history so far work even better.Some issues we would like to work on with you:Location:As many of you know, we have met 'regularly' at Fergies on Sansomin Center City Philadelphia. It is a great institution in downtownPhiladelphia. All in all, it has gone pretty well there- all our great newgreen friends had a nice time meeting there. Sometimes-though-we had a slightly less than stable reservation (i.e we got bumpeddownstairs from our regular upstairs meeting spot a few too manytimes to some of your liking-we totally understand: Fergies is a popularmeeting place locally!- but, it was difficult for many to know if we wereeven meeting sometimes due to last minute rearranging to downstairslocation that had to happen- we apologize for this non-intended confusionand are working on a more stable meeting arrangement!).Also, we definitely heard + felt as well some critical thoughts about theair quality issue. We've heard this will subside as of Jan 07- but we totallyagree that we would all LOVE a more healthy fresh air experience + spacewhile meeting.Note: other cities sometimes move weekly/monthly to new locationsto keep things fresh- we opted originally for consistency. We recently gotaccess to a local art gallery not far from Fergies which is VERY spacious,welcoming, great for AV presentations, etc. IF we wish to use it on acontinual basis-it could be a more conducive space to dialogue perhaps.Question:Any ideas on an appropriate space / locationthat is central + public transit/bike/walk friendly?Web Presence:We started out with a website and then...we let it go because of opportunities for a blog format got our attention.We plan to use a modified blog format which has our vital informationand some updates/links, but will keep the blog chatting to a MINIMUM(i.e. just facts about upcoming events heard about, etc.).The price is better also.Question:What would you LIKE + NEED at our new + improvedhybrid 'blogsite' ?Local Approach:We are VERY VERY interested to spotlight and encourage enjoyingLOCAL breweries, etc. together with local light fare (i.e. munchies)during our get togethers. The issue is how to get to theseOR get them to us...Question:Would folks appreciate more of a 'local beverages tasting' typeget together to start the evening (perhaps with a local beveragemakers representative there?). We can extend this to local fresh healthymunchies type foods as well...Content:This remains open. Many folks really do appreciate a bit of a 'prompt'in the way of a SHORT film/video, or a lecture by a local orvisiting specialist,even a green materials vendor stopping in to showwhat is 'new + notable'...Question:What kind of new format can we create that allows for 'some' info providedto focus on (a topic headline, a new movie, etc.) but still allow for folksto just meet casually and discuss topics in a non-pressured manner?Dues/Membership:We have never had a formal system for this based upon whatwe saw happening in other locals. We would like to keep the administrationand especially costs to everyone at minimum to zero.So far this has worked out.If folks have other ideas on IF we should start this and what it could provideus with, we ARE open...ultimately, we just wish to keep this a reallyalternative approach to social meeting/networking.In closing, this email is the first step in making some changes at[greendrinks]Philadelphia to improve things to everyone's liking (hopefully!)We would sincerely appreciate feedback and your comments on howto get more momentum happening with the great group of green thinkingpeople around the Philadelphia area...we need your input + helpto make it work.Thanks much in advance for your participation!greendrinks_o2 philadelphia||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||